
How to Make Your Web Pages Crawlable

The purpose of crawling on the Internet is to collect data and index web pages. This process is performed by a Web crawler, also known as a spider or spider bot. Most web crawlers are operated by search engines, which use them to index web pages. The Internet is a huge resource, and crawlers are an essential part of the search engine process. But how do they do this? Here are some basic steps to help you make your web pages crawlable.

The first step in crawling is to gather the URLs of the web pages that are important for a given domain. For example, if your website is about architecture, it will probably have a page on architecture. These web pages have high page-rank, so the search engine will want to index them. Crawling is also needed for vertical search engines, which may limit the number of pages to one top-level domain. The complete set of web pages is not known during crawling, but a good selection policy must be able to make the best decision using partial information.

Search engines crawl web pages by using spiders and bots to find important key words and phrases. These web crawlers also process textual content to understand what the pages are about. Once they’ve indexed a page, they then try to understand what they’re looking at. This involves reading meta data, analyzing key content tags, and analyzing key content attributes. Once they’ve gathered enough information to rank your site, they submit it to Google.

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